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СОР Английский язык 11 класс 1 четверть ОГН «Investigate and Report on Animal World: Bats, Eagles,  Bees and Dolphins» с ответами

13 ноя 2024, 16:38

Summative assessment for the unit «Investigate and Report on Animal World: Bats, Eagles, 
Bees and Dolphins»

English language Grade 11 SHD

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organising and carrying out Summative Assessment in the subject of «The English language» for the Grade 11 learners of upper secondary level education of the Social-Humanitarian direction on the updated content.
Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Long-term plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 11 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative
Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also, this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations

СОР Английский язык 11 класс 1 четверть ОГН «Investigate and Report on Animal World: Bats, Eagles, 
Bees and Dolphins» с ответами

Summative assessment for the unit «Investigate and Report on Animal World: Bats, Eagles, 
Bees and Dolphins» 
Learning objectives 
Assessment criteria 
Level of thinking skills 
Task 1. Read the article 
Deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide 
range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular 
Use style and register to achieve an appropriate degree of 
formality in a wide variety of written genres on general and 
curricular topics  
Use a wide variety of simple perfect active and passive 
forms and a variety of perfect continuous forms on a wide 
range of general and curricular topics 
● Identify specific information to deduce meaning from context 
● Produce a text in an appropriate style 
● Use a wide variety of simple perfect active and passive forms 
Knowledge and comprehension 
Higher order thinking skills 
20 minutes  
Are zoos a good thing? 
Critics of zoos would argue that animals often suffer physically and mentally by being enclosed. 
Even the best artificial environments can't come close to matching the space, diversity, and freedom 
that animals have in their natural habitats. This deprivation causes many zoo animals to become 
stressed or mentally ill. Capturing animals in the wild also causes much suffering by splitting up 
families. Some zoos make animals behave unnaturally: for example, marine parks often force 
dolphins and whales to perform tricks. 
On the other hand, by bringing people and animals together, zoos have the potential to educate 
the public about conservation issues and inspire people to protect animals and their habitats. Some 
zoos provide a safe environment for animals which have been mistreated in circuses, or pets which 
have been abandoned. Zoos also carry out important research into subjects like animal behaviour and 
how to treat illnesses. 
One of the most important modern functions of zoos is supporting international breeding 
programmes, particularly for endangered species. In the wild, some of the rarest species have 
difficulty in finding mates and breeding, and they might also be threatened by poachers, loss of their 
habitat and predators. 
So, are zoos good for animals or not? Perhaps it all depends on how well individual zoos are 
managed, and the benefits of zoos can surely outweigh their harmful effects. However, it is 
understandable that many people believe imprisoning animals for any reason is simply wrong. 
Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box. There are EXTRA TWO WORDS. 

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