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СОР Английский язык 10 класс ОГН 2 четверть «Out of this world» с ответами

10 ноя 2024, 21:33

Summative assessment for the unit «Out of this world»

English language Grade 10

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organising and carrying out Summative Assessment in the subject of «The English language» for the Grade 10 learners of upper secondary level education of the Social-Humanitarian direction on the updated content.
Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Long-term plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 10 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting Summative
Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also, this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations

СОР Английский язык 10 класс ОГН 2 четверть «Out of this world» с ответами

Summative assessment for the unit «Out of this world»

Learning objectives

10.4.5 Deduce meaning from context in extended texts on a wide range of familiar general and curricular topics, and some unfamiliar topics

10.5.1 Plan, write, edit and proofread work at text level independently  on a range of general and curricular topic


Assessment criteria

·      Identify the meaning and content of the reading texts on familiar topics

·      Make a clear plan of writing; write a text; check the written draft


Level of thinking skills

Knowledge and comprehension



20 minutes



Task 1.Read the text and find which paragraph describes the following information. Write A-E in the space provided.

1.    The danger to human existence. ____

2.    The description of meteorite.____

3.    The destruction of life.____

4.    The protection of Earth. ____

5.    The weird concurrence._____


The end of life on Earth

A.   It weighed about 10,000 tons, entered the atmosphere at a speed of 64, 000 km/h and exploded over a city with a blast of 500 kilotons. But on 15 February 2013, we were lucky. The meteorite that showered pieces of rock over Chelyabinsk, Russia, was relatively small, at only about 17 meters wide. Although many people were injured by falling glass, the damage was nothing compared to what had happened in Siberia nearly one hundred years ago. Another relatively small object (approximately 50 meters in diameter) exploded in mid-air over a forest region, flattening about 80 million trees.

B.   By a strange coincidence, the same day that the meteorite terrified the people of Chelyabinsk, another 50m-wide asteroid passed relatively close to Earth. Scientists were expecting that visit and know that the asteroid will return to fly close by us in 2046, but the Russian meteorite earlier in the day had been too small for anyone to spot.

C.   Most scientists agree that comets and asteroids pose the biggest natural threat to human existence. It was probably a large asteroid or comet colliding with earth which wiped out the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. An enormous object, 10 to 16 km in diameter, struck the Yucatan region of Mexico with the force of 100 megatons. That is the equivalent of one Hiroshima bomb for every person alive on Earth today.

D.   Many scientists, including Stephen Hawking, say that any comet or asteroid greater than 20 km in diameter that hits Earth will result in the complete devastation of complex life, including all animals and most plants. As we have seen even a much smaller asteroid can cause great damage.

E.   The Earth has been kept fairly safe for the last 65 million years by good fortune and the massive gravitational field of the planet Jupiter. Our cosmic guardian, with its stable circular orbit far from the sun, sweeps up and scatters away most of the dangerous comets and asteroids which might cross Earth’s orbit. After the Chelyabinsk meteorite, scientists are now monitoring potential hazards even more carefully but, as far as there is no danger in the foreseeable future.


Task 2. Choose one of the sci-fi films you have watched and write a review about it. Write 3 paragraph using the given plan:

1)    Introduction. Facts and background information (title, actors, director, genre, the main characters, setting).

2)    Main body. Main features of the film (the plot, acting, music, colour/ animation, special effects).

3)    Conclusion. Recommendation and reason why you recommend to watch this sci-fi film or not.

You can use the following information as a support to write a film review:

·      Mention where and when you saw the film (Did you see the film at the cinema or on TV? Did you watch it alone or with friends?)

·      Give some general information about the film (What is the title of the film? Who is the director? Who stars in this film? Who are the main characters? Where/When is the film set?

·      State briefly the main events/ points of the film (the plot) (What is the film about? What are the main events? What happens to the characters?)

·      Make comments on the things you liked or didn’t like about the film (Is there anything you particularly liked or didn’t like?)

·      State your general opinion about the film (What do you think of the film)

·      Make a recommendation (Would you recommend this film?)

You can use set phrases/expressions for:

1. Introduction:

Ø  It’s a comedy/an adventure film/a horror film, etc.

Ø  …stars in this film.

Ø  …is the leading actor/actress.

Ø  …plays/has the leading role.

Ø  It was directed by …

Ø  The film is set in …

2. Main part:

Ø  The film is about…

Ø  The hero/heroine of the film…

Ø  It is interesting/moving/long/tiring.

Ø  The acting is excellent/poor.

Ø  The actors/actresses perform well/badly.

Ø  The music is fantastic/awful.

Ø  The special effects are amazing/unrealistic.

Ø  Certain parts are funny/amusing.

Ø  The ending is disappointing/(un)predictable/surprising.

3. Conclusion:

Ø  All in all/Overall, I found the film exciting/boring.

Ø  It’s (only) suitable for children/adults.

Ø  It’s a great film for action-lovers.

Ø  This film is a box-office hit and it’s worth seeing.

Ø  I definitely (do not) recommend it.

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