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БЖБ 11-сынып Ағылшын тілі, 3-тоқсан КГБ жауаптар «Work and Inventions»

14 ноя 2024, 12:09

Summative assessment for the unit «Work and Inventions»

English for the Grade 11

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organising and carrying out Summative Assessment in the subject of «The English language» for the Grade 11 learners of upper secondary level education of the NaturalMathematical direction on the updated content. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 11 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting
Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also, this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations

БЖБ 11-сынып Ағылшын тілі, 3-тоқсан КГБ жауаптар «Work and Inventions»

Summative assessment for the unit «Work and Inventions»
Learning objectives 11.2.4
Understand implied meaning in unsupported extended talk
on a wide range of general and curricular topics, including
talk on a growing range of unfamiliar topics
Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a range of familiar and some unfamiliar general
and curricular topics
Use a variety of adjectives complemented by that, infinitive
and wh- clauses on a wide range of general and curricular
Assessment criteria ●Recognize most of the implied meaning in the talk while
●Communicate effectively using target vocabulary and syntax
●Apply adjective complementation appropriately while
Level of thinking skills Knowledge, comprehension
Higher order thinking skills
Duration 20 minutes
Task 1. You will hear five people talking about their first job. For each speaker choose the opinion
about their first job (A-F). One opinion is EXTRA.
Speaker 1 _______
Speaker 2 _______
Speaker 3 _______
Speaker 4 _______
Speaker 5 _______
A. I felt I was helping people.
B. I found it surprisingly hard work.
C. I found the people I met interesting.
D. I liked having the opportunity to achieve my ambitions.
E. I felt I was learning useful skills.
F. I detested some parts of the job more than others. 

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Педагогикалық шеберлік саласында өз құзыреттерін арттыруға дайын педагогтар үшін тамаша шешім. Біз КТЖ (күнтізбелік жоспарлар), БЖБ (бөлімге жиынтық бағалау), ТЖБ (тоқсанға жиынтық бағалау), оқу материалын бір жылға тақырыптық жоспарлауды, БЖБ сабақ жоспарларын, сондай-ақ бөлімдер мен тоқсандар бойынша жиынтық бағалауды қоса алғанда, әртүрлі білім беру материалдарына қол жеткізуді қамтамасыз етеміз. Осы ресурстардың барлығы сіздің жұмысыңыздың тиімділігін арттыруға және оқушылардың оқу сапасын жақсартуға көмектеседі.