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ТЖБ 11-сынып Ағылшын тілі 2-тоқсан КГБ жауаптар

14 ноя 2024, 12:09

Summative Assessment for the term 2 in “English” in Grade 11

Summative assessment is aimed to assess learners’ success in terms of the learning objectives achievement and reveal their level of knowledge and skills acquired during the term within the framework of updating the secondary education content. Specification describes the content and procedure for the delivery of the Summative Assessment for the term in “English” in Grade 11. 

Subject Programme for “English” (within the framework of updating the content ofsecondary education) for Grades 11 of basic secondary education.

The structure of the summative assessment

This Summative Assessment consists of 14 questions: listening, reading, writing and speaking. Different types of tasks are used in the Summative Assessment for the term.
Gap filling task is a task in which words/numbers are removed from a text and replaced with spaces. Learners have to fill each space with the missing word/number or a suitable word.
Multiple choice tasks consist of several possible answers from which the correct one should be selected.
Open-ended tasks require learners to follow instructions of the task, answer questions in words, expressions and sentences.
Tapescript for listening task can be found in CD3.
The content of the summative assessment for the 1 term should be selected on topics “Hobbies and Leisure” or/and “Communication and Technology”.

ТЖБ 11-сынып Ағылшын тілі 2-тоқсан КГБ жауаптар

Sample questions and mark scheme
Tasks for Summative Assessment for term 2
Task. Listen to different job applicants answering the same interview questions and complete the
tasks below.CD3. Tapescript 2.
1. What does Mr. Higgins mean when he uses word badly?
2. What does the phrase calculated risks mean used in the content of the interview?
Task. Which applicant do you think gives the better answer to each question and why? Put tick
opposite the name of the applicant who presents better answer and explain why their answers are
# Question Mr. Higgins Miss Smith
Why should we employ you?
Are you willing to take
calculated risks?
Which of the jobs you have held
do you like least?
6 In what areas do you feel that
your last boss could have done a
better job?
Total [6]
Task. Read the passage.
Part 1. Which paragraph contains the following information?
1. a description of an early timekeeping invention affected by cold temperatures _____ [1]
2. an explanation of the importance of geography in the development of the calendar in
farming communities ________ [1]
3. details of the simultaneous efforts of different societies to calculate time using uniform
hours _______ [1]

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