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БЖБ 10-сынып Ағылшын тілі, 4-тоқсан ЖМБ жауаптар “Space X”

11 ноя 2024, 17:54

Summative assessment for theunit «Space X»

English for the Grade 10

Methodological recommendations for Summative Assessment are designed to assist teachers in planning, organising and carrying out Summative Assessment in the subject of «The English language» for the Grade 10 learners of upper secondary level education of the NaturalMathematical direction on the updated content. Methodological recommendations are aligned with the Subject Programme and Course plan. Summative Assessment in Grade 10 is conducted in Terms 1, 2, 3 and 4. Summative Assessment Tasks for unit/cross curricular unit will allow teachers to determine the level of the learning objectives achievement planned for the term. Methodological recommendations comprise tasks, assessment criteria with descriptors and marks for conducting
Summative Assessment across the unit/cross curricular unit. Also, this document includes possible levels of the learners’ academic achievement (rubrics). Tasks with descriptors and marks can be considered as recommendations

БЖБ 10-сынып Ағылшын тілі, 4-тоқсан ЖМБ жауаптар “Space X”

Summative Assessment for the unit «Space X»
Learning objectives 10.2.6 Deduce meaning from context in unsupported extended
talk on a wide range of general and curricular topics,
including talk on a limited range of unfamiliar topics
10.3.7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a range of general and curricular topics
Assessment criteria  Identify the meaning of words in extended texts using
context information
 Talk about given topics using appropriate topic related
vocabulary and sentence structures
Level of thinking skills Knowledge and comprehension
Duration 20 minutes
Task 1. Listen to the conversation and complete the gaps with the most suitable words from the
box below. There are 2 words you DO NOT NEED TO USE. Be careful with word forms.
Go to this link to listen:
devastation person many send into orbit
progress explosion Explore
1. Stephen Hawkings has mentioned on __________occasions that the only way for
humanity to survive is to explore space.
2. We will have to look for a new planet if we caused a major disaster that results in the
__________of earth.
3. The first liquid-fuel rocket was send into__________ in 1926.
4. In 1961, the first __________ was launched into space.
5. Future __________ of space depends on both private and public money.
Task 2. Learners work in pairs. First, one learner speaks on the topic, the second learner assesses
him /her according to the criteria, and then they swap the roles. These questions are not
compulsory and can be adapted. There is no need to use all the questions. Learners can choose a
couple of questions to discuss.
Work in pairs. Student A – talk to your partner for 1-2 min about topic “Space Travelling”. You
can use questions below as a help to organise your ideas. Student B - listen to your partner’s
answer, assess him/her according to the criteria and give constructive feedback. Then, change your

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